Dumpster Diving

For weeks Clayton and I have been trying to think of what to be for Halloween. Our friend Nathan came up with the brilliant idea of getting a group of our friends to all be giant cereal boxes. He's going to be Mini Spooners, I'm going to be Life, and Mckenzie and Clayton don't know what cereal box they will parade around in yet.
We needed some cardboard boxes to make our costumes with, so tonight we invited over our friends, drank some hot chocolate, caught up a little, and then we went driving around Provo to do what we do best. Dumpster Diving. 
We hit the jackpot with this lovely blue dumpster behind a craft store. Huge cardboard boxes galore were stacked in there.

Some of the smaller ones fit in the trunk, the others got to ride in the back.

As did Mckenzie and I. It was pretty cramped, but I'm glad we found so many to work with. Now all we need is lots of paints and a free night to create our masterpieces. Or plan B is to use the printer in the basement at the library that prints huge prints, so we could just print off pictures of the cereals and glue them to the boxes. We'll see..


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