Life Lately
Last week we had our first babysitter, closely followed by our second. It was awesome! Tuesday night we went out to see Captain Marvel. We asked a laurel in our ward to come “babysit”, though the girls were already in bed so all she had to do was sit on the couch for a couple of hours. Easy job. She was nervous though. In the end it went perfectly. No one woke up, and she was fine.
We were planning on having a Pi day party on Thursday, but we canceled it because I caught the flu. Big bummer. Clayton stayed home to take care of the ladies on Friday, and by Saturday I was completely better.
Saturday we had our second babysitter. A sister in the ward has told us every week during church for months that we need to have her babysit, so we decided to take her up on her offer. Clayton and I have been in the process of getting our concealed carrying licenses. The last part of it was two hours of gun range instruction. It went well, and we finished the course.
Sunday I woke up and felt absolutely awful. I had a 103 fever, aches/chills, migrain, and fatigue. Clayton was a rockstar and took the girls to church and hung out with them all day. I did nothing but sleep. The next day I had a friend come watch the girls so I could go to the doctor. Turns out I have mastitis. Now I’m on antibiotics, and after 3 days it has significantly improved. I still get a low grade fever randomly throughout the day (that’s weird, right?), and I am super tired, but we’re getting back to normal life. The house is a disaster, and Clayton and the girls have been living off of snack food all weekend because I was out of commission. I asked him why he didn’t cook something and he said, “it’s really hard handling these two super needy babies and keeping up with the house and cooking!” :) now he can sympathize. I finally made dinner last night, and every one was very happy that there was a warm meal to eat. The house can stay messy for another day though. I’d rather stay down a little longer.
I don’t think the girls took my sickness well. They’re both perfectly healthy, thank goodness, but they have been absolute wrecks lately. At first I thought it was because I barely saw them since Thursday, when usually I’m their constant companion, but now I’m wondering if it’s something else. Maybe it’s because they are both pushing out their top teeth right now, or maybe they’re hitting a growth spurt, or maybe they’re actually not feeling well. Whatever it is, they are not being their normal, happy selves. They wake up angry, they cry all day long, they want me to hold them non stop, they’re not really eating as much as they usually do, and they are just having a really hard time being alive. There is A LOT of crying going on at our house right now. It’s such a relief every time they go down for a nap or to bed. Clayton and I literally take a deep breath after bedtime and just flop on the couch.
We tried out our super adorable new helmets yesterday. Surprisingly the girls didn’t mind putting the helmets on. They definitely did mind being put down in the bike trailer though. They screamed and screamed. They screamed the whole two blocks we biked, so we quickly turned around and went back home. Disappointing.
We’re having more problems with Abe. Lately, as in the past several months, he’s been waking us up in the middle of the night to take him outside. Every single night. At like 3 am. We’ve tried taking him on long walks before bed, making sure he eats dinner early, crating him, and even just ignoring his barking. Nothing working. If we ignore him, he poops in the house like he just can’t hold it between midnight and 7 am. Why is this happening?! Clayton has had enough, and has been getting really frustrated with the nightly wake up call. I’m calling the vet today to see if they can check him out for any problems.
Other than the night time wake up and the sock stealing, Abe is such a wonderful dog. He’s so good with the girls. They climb all over him all day long and he’s just fine with it. He’s recently become a stepping stool for them to get up onto the couch, and he doesn’t mind that they like to poke his eyes and nose. I couldn’t ask for a better dog companion for Ruby and Cora.
Life lately has been chaotic and rough. I’m so so so extremely grateful that I was the only one who got sick. I cannot even imagine what we would have done if all 4 of us were as sick as I was. I’m also so grateful for the friends that we have here that came to help with the girls or helped Clayton at church or our doctor friends who told us what to do. It’s hard not living by family when you really need the extra hands, but having helpful friends makes up for it.
We have a lot to look forward to. Next week we have a lot of family coming to town for Ruby’s and Cora’s birthday. Can you believe they’re almost 1?! We’re having a llama fiesta. I was going to be a crazy person and make it a huge party. I was even considering renting a few alpacas to hang out in our backyard, and inviting all our church friends to come over. But now with the weather still being chilly, and the backyard is all muddy from all the rain, I think we’ll have to down size to an indoor party. We’ll have my parents, Clayton’s dad, my sister Dani (whoo hoo!), Nana, Abba, Uncle Brain, and a few of our play group friends. So it’ll still be plenty of people and lots of fun.
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