Happy Sunday

This week we had a few play dates, played at a couple of parks, went to the library, went grocery shopping twice, spent Saturday at the Natatorium pool, and did lots of house work. 
Ruby and Cora are learning a lot of new things really fast. They play games together, they have started liking puzzles, they always want to read books, and they’ve picked up a few new words: dog, cat, cracker, shoe, mama, dada, ball, duck, toast, turtle, and banana. 

Ruby loves pushing around her baby doll stroller and sticking random things in it, usually some kind of snack, a couple hot wheels cars, and her actual baby doll. Her favorite way to torture Cora is to chase her around with the stroller until Cora falls over and then she tries to run her over. Cora hates it and now cries whenever Ruby gets too close with the stroller, but it happens almost daily. Ruby has also taken an interest in puzzles this week, which has been really cool to watch. She’s so smart!

Cora is all about reading books right now. She’s always bringing them to me and sitting in my lap. I’m loving it. I love children’s books, especially the rhyming ones, and I love all the extra cuddling that it entails. She’s becoming very social and likes following other kids around. She also is the one that will let other adults hold her and will wave and smile at random strangers at the store. Cora is the more talkative of the two, and she repeats sounds that we make. 

Clayton is doing well. He’s studying a lot and is dreaming about signing up for American Ninja Warrior. 

I’m also doing well. I have been reading some Brandon Sanderson books lately, trying to keep up with the twins, and prioritizing hanging out with friends over laundry and dishes. 

That’s all for now, folks! 


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