Foster the People

Last week we bought tickets to go to the Foster the People concert, and I literally counted down the days. I love them, and now after going to their concert I love them even more.

The beginning was a little slow because we didn't love their opening band, but as soon as the real show started it was amazing. We had so much fun! It was cold and late, but so worth the discomfort. This was Clayton's first "real" concert, and he loved it. They preform really well live, which is something you definitely can't say about every band.

After we got home our ears were ringing, we were freezing, and the smell of being outside and beer was saturated in our hair, and we both agreed that it was a great night.

Just an update on the job search, I've gotten offers and have a couple of options to choose from. It's kind of a tough decision though. The job offer that I really want to take has lousy hours and not great pay, so I'm leaning towards my second option. Hopefully I'll be signed up with someone by next week. 


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